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Morten Juhl-Johansen

Is there actually an Android XMPP app which is not from early Android days and not related to Conversations?
I would like to be able to run the app, but also close it, not having it run in the background.

opal hart
@mjjzf i cant recommend anything else that performs as well as conversations, and i'd say "file an issue" but theyre kinda snobby about features


I just hard crash the apps I don't want running at any given time or set their startup settings.

actually was the app I was going to recommend, but in your browser you could run :




This list is mostly all XMPP apps (including MXS) from F-Droid.

Anyway, how are you by friend? Long time! (use OMEMO - I do).


Daniel Gultsch

@mjjzf fwiw the way to 'close' Conversations is to disable the accounts. It won't start again if you do.

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