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Jeff Martin

I spent WAAAAAY too much time making this.

Jeff Martin

Lol, so apparently some smartphone makers just let you scale the screen image down to whatever size you want.

h/t to @ticktok

Seems awkward, but I guess that could work. Except you still somehow have to manage to hold on to the massive thing with one hand.

I must be in the minority of people that doesn't want to use their phone as a home theater.


@cuchaz idk. I have average leaning towards small hands for a guy and this is how I use my samsung Note20 with a 6.9" display, and I have a wallet case on it.
but like I said, I'm the target audience for phablets though.


@cuchaz @ticktok iOS has a gesture that pulls the top half of the screen down to help you reach things. It’s not ideal, but it makes it basically usable.

Darwin Woodka

@cuchaz @ticktok I don't think we're a minority. I think phone manufacturers just don't give a shit what we want.

Jeff Martin

@darwinwoodka @ticktok That seems almost paradoxical. I do wonder why the phones keep getting bigger though. Maybe the pressure to keep increasing features means they need more space for hardware?

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