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Dr. Damien P. Williams, Magus

Holy crap, i just learned some important amazing news: Dr. Sami Schalk's book 'Bodyminds Reimagined: (Dis)ability, Race, and Gender in Black Women's Speculative Fiction' is now free and open access, FOREVER.

As someone whose been trying to build my syllabi so my students have all open access everything so they don't need to buy books because college is already expensive enough, this kind of accessibility from such a great author with a major academic press is truly amazing.

If you're teaching ANYTHING on ANY intersections of race, disability, gender, technology, popular culture, or social imagination— Hell, if you're just INTERESTED in those things— then Go Put This Book On Your Reading List. Like RIGHT now.

1 comment
Cindy Weinstein

@Wolven. Saw this @drreznicek and thought of you. Maybe, probably you already know about it!

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