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@clive Yasssss! Now I need to fire up my old N-Gage, if I can find it!


@clive True dat! My roommate and I had them in Uni. We used play FIFA over bluetooth which was awesome then and so weird to think about now!

Marcus Krüger

@clive I need this for my Handspring Visor Deluxe!

Clive Thompson


oh man I had one of those!

In blue

that lovely see-through case

Clive Thompson


A smartphone from 2003 designed for gaming -- it had a little D-pad controller (top left hand side) and an internal slot for game cartridges

Amazingly poor design in many ways -- you had to open the back and remove the battery to access the slot where you'd put in, or remove, cartridges

Patrick O'Doherty

@clive nice work! I my N-Gage was not lost to the sands of time

Григорий Клюшников

Is it only for N-Gage, or can I install it on my Nokia 5800?

Clive Thompson


Not sure, but I'm betting it's N-Gage specific