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George Pandzik


I love System76. I still have my Gazelle Pro that I bought in 2012 that's made it all the way through to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, which I still find somewhat shocking

The thing is a tank.


@gamingonlinux How is the Coreboot on Amd situation looking these days? Intel still king?

Fratm :archlinux:

@gamingonlinux Are they still using clevo laptops and re-branding them?


Next month, Corona Linux Laptop 😉

Frank :unverified:

@gamingonlinux ich bin immer noch nicht so AMD begeistert... Fühl mich mit Intel irgendwie wohler

Jack Zhang (📹🦝 Raccoon)

@gamingonlinux Hoping it's the 7040 series and not the 7045 series. 7045 would mean it has to be paired with a RDNA 3 7000 series mobile GPU which is delayed to summer.


@gamingonlinux the real question is will it be running the Pangolin desktop (from DahliaOS)

Agnieszka R. Turczyńska

@gamingonlinux I am a little bit curious. What is the current status of drivers for Radeon-based graphic cards on Linux? My last experience is from 2018 and those were crappy and unstable (I am talking about fglrx). So far my stance is that I am not going to have Radeon card on my own free will and my own money. Were the things improved? Shall I give them the chance?

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