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Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

@tripplehelix You can play it solo, it also gives you a friendly robot to help you


@gamingonlinux @tripplehelix yeah Bosco is actually fairly helpful. It's not as fun as multi, but it's still fun!

Guillaume Jacquemin

@gamingonlinux It's not a bad game indeed, but it's a shame they doubled-down on the battle pass system and the "lootboxes" when the in-game cosmetics store was right there.

Guillaume Jacquemin

@gamingonlinux I know, but those systems _are_ psychological tactics to get people as addicted to the game as possible, free or not.

When the first battle pass released, I did play for around a week, but got _completely_ burnt out, to the point I don't think I'll ever come back to the game. Which is a shame, because I have 300+ hours in it, and would have put in more if not for that.

Lucky☆Star :konata: :verified:

@gamingonlinux not at all, game is in a tragic state, I recommend to steer clear of this game. speaking as an early access player of the game, I have to say, LEGIT nothing got better with that game

Uriel Castro

it was my favorite game for a time


@gamingonlinux I have way too many hours in this game. I also want to implement dual contouring like they did (or better).

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