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Adam Conover

Adulthood means being able to buy as many video games as you ever wanted, but having absolutely no time to play them.

Ang Black

2022 was the year i learned to resist the trap of the Steam Sale. I still WANT to buy games to never play, but I stopped myself for a year

Maximilian Lundberg

@BigAngBlack eventually you'll even stop downloading the games offered for free. "I'm never gonna play this".

Ang Black

See, now you're talking crazy. You've crossed a line

Jason Howard :sdf:

@adamconover I'd replace the "video games" with "*" and then it'd be an incredibly accurate statement. Are we sure capitalism isn't just some joke Loki is playing on us all?

Vyvyan Basterd

@adamconover I have a large 3-ring binder full of TTRPG campaign ideas. Now to just get 3-5 other adults with jobs, families, and responsibilities in the same room after work once a week for like 3 years


@adamconover Not to mention starting to play one, then life gets in the way, then you come back to it and be like how do I even play this game? What was I doing?? What is anything???

Jeremy Shaver

@endeavorance @adamconover you just described my holiday vacation. “I know I was supposed to be solving some puzzle and then heading to that other place for the boss fight but damn if I can remember what or where”


@jeremysayz I’ve seen some games—mostly older JRPGs—which do like a little recap of what your last few events were from your save. Like specifically what YOU did, not just a plot recap.

River J. Hopkins

@adamconover If you upgrade your adulthood with the insomnia package, you'll always have plenty of time for gaming! 🥳 😶

greg ✓✅⍻✔☑√

@adamconover people just give away video games all the time now! good ones! what is happening and why couldn't it have been happening thirty years ago

J.M. Berger

@adamconover My to-play list is eight deep but by God I'm going to get there

Jason B 🧙‍♂️

@adamconover Well, like any adult thing, gotta put it on the schedule!

NTFB Scott

@adamconover Or even the desire to play them! No matter how many games I add to my library because they look fun or interesting, when I actually sit down to play a game it's never one of the new ones, it's always one I've already been playing for years.


@ntfbscott @adamconover This happens to me as well, glad I'm not the only one... I have like hundreds of games to play, new and old, on PC and my portable consoles, but for some reason 99% of the time I end up sinking even more hours into Minecraft or Stardew Valley, or replaying something I already played years ago.

Perhaps it's because my brain knows what to expect? I know for sure I'll enjoy those games, and won't waste time learning new systems and controls... 🤷



Worse: having the luxury of getting bored and not even finishing them.


@adamconover My steam library has about 30 or so games and I tend to replay them because not all games are created equal. Much prefer exploration RPGs like Witcher 3, ACOD and story driven games like HZD than the repeated death of souls games


@adamconover Hopefully I can finish some titles this year! 😖🤞

Paul Turnbull :CApride:

@adamconover I've found once my kids hit university I have more time to play thing although I'm noting one daughter just did her first play through of Stray in a third the time it took me.

Jennifer Kayla | Theogrin 🦊

@Chigaze @adamconover

There is simply something zen about relaxing in the town, meowing at robots, and knocking over *everything.* She can get to the next section as fast as she likes, I'm just gonna be a freaking cat.

Jennifer Kayla | Theogrin 🦊


For me, adulthood is having a docket of games which Young!me would have killed to own, but being unable to play any of them because there's this thing in 6 hours which I need to spend 15 minutes preparing for and so instead of doing anything meaningful or enjoyable I'm just going to fixate on that and also neglect to eat or anything.


@adamconover Yes. Absolutely yes. This has been said before but it never stops being true. Lots of us relate to this, not only with games but also books, comics, etc.

In my case, adulthood also means having the technical ability to create everything child me ever wanted (drawing, music, videogames...), with just a small fraction of the time, excitement and focus I had back then. So it's like my dreams came true and crashed down at the same time. Yay?

Mate Soos

@adamconover sometimes I sneak in some playtime, though :) It's fun to play some RPGs! Pathfinder Kingmaker is the one I spent a lot of time on last, and it was fun.

Marcus Grant

@adamconover @garret basically the reason I got a steam deck. It’s easier to pickup and play in more situations

Aarne Granlund

@adamconover You also lost the friends to play with because everyone is so busy.


@adamconover Adulthood is using your brain instead of your wallet.
You can torrent pretty much any game safely with a VPN.
But you're probably proud to spend money instead of using your brain. It's a common flaw of this generation of nincompoops.


@adamconover Or having the time to play them but still just playing Minecraft with the Nomifactory modpack.

Please help me I put in 21 hours over the past 3 days into this modpack

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Oh! Hi, Adam! Loved your show!

Keep ruining stuff for us, it's great!

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