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After two months of the first commit, the @elk repository is now open to everyone! We're grateful to all the amazing folks that joined during the closed alpha and worked with us to get here. 250+ devs joined the Early Preview team, and 65 of them sent a PR to the repo 🙏

Get involved! Help us with testing, triaging, providing ideas, and contribute to Elk. Let's build a delightful user experience together :elk:

With 🧡 from the Team: @antfu, @daniel, @sxzz, @patak, and the Elk contributors:

三咲智子 Kevin Deng

:elk: :elk: :elk: :elk: :elk: :elk: :elk: :elk:


@elk @antfu @daniel @sxzz @patak 🎉 Congratulations!

Hope you can make the “native” (Tauri) App work soon (on macOS).

Daniel Roe :nuxt:

@rob @elk @antfu @sxzz @patak It was a last minute regression - should be ready to go pretty soon with the help of @unsafe.

Hatsune Miku


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