It's not called an "app" unless it was made in the Appalachia region of the Eastern United States, otherwise it's just sparkling website.
It's not called an "app" unless it was made in the Appalachia region of the Eastern United States, otherwise it's just sparkling website. 16 comments
@davatron5000 @ewanspence
You’ll have to do better than that tenuous claim Appalachia. According to this website there are well over 500 places called App-something.… @davatron5000 or ‚Appenzell‘ in Switzerland 🤭 @davatron5000 in some cases it's even worse and it's just a fat chromium browser that's locked into displaying a single website |
@davatron5000 I liked "JavaScript infused", but "sparkling" does sound classier... 🤔