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Nolan Lawson

New blog post: "Retiring Pinafore"

Probably not going to surprise anyone, but I'm stepping back from Pinafore. Thanks to everyone who followed along with this project over the years!

Stéphane Deschamps

@nolan Bravo for the excellent work you did there.
Standing ovation! 👏

f.rift :fire_blue:

cc. @lindsays -- some parts of the above potentially relevant to deep space relay

Thomas Wilburn

@nolan Congrats on wrapping a very cool project!


@nolan Sorry to hear that. Thank you for your work!


@nolan thank you for your work, I love Pinafore :)

Alexis Deveria

@nolan Completely understand. Thank you so much for such a great app, hope you find much joy in working on other new projects!


@nolan It's a fascinating, promising approach & I do indeed hope it inspires others to try something similar.


@nolan makes sense mate. Really happy you're prioritising your mental and happiness.


@nolan I'd be interested in continuing the project on the accessibility / UI side of things how would you feel about me making a fork if I gave it a different name and worked with you to give clear attribution?

Perhaps better for me to learn the hard way though and do my own thing.


@nolan Thanks for all the time and effort you've put into Pinafore. It made my daily Mastodon reading more pleasant for years and I think it helped set up Mastodon's current success. Good luck with future projects!

Andrew Chou

@nolan thanks for all of the work you committed to this over the years! Pinafore's really one of the shining examples of web apps done right 🤍

Andy Bell

@nolan thanks for all the work over the years, Nolan. I really appreciate you making Mastodon easier for people for so long :)


@nolan whatwhatwhatWHAT*WHAT*whatWHAT?!

Okaaay. All clients I (can) use are unmaintained. WCGW? sigh…

Add to that the end of the crossposter and I can almost call this experiment a failure and go back to Twitter or something…

tech? no! man, see...

@nolan thanks for making the best fedi client ever; before I used pinafore I didn't know it was possible for an SPA to be this good

I'm sorry it became a source of dread for you, but I'm glad you're able to step back now and do what's right for your own well-being


Oh! @nolan

MANY MANY THANKS for your work all this time

I respect your decision and wish you well for the future 🤗

Micheal :cursor:

@nolan I just setup self-hosted Pinafore with this GotoSocial instance over the weekend and have really been enjoying it. Thank you for creating it and sad to read this, but completely understand your decision.

Deborah Edwards-Oñoro

@nolan Thank you for all your work and dedication to creating, improving, and maintaining Pinafore.

It's my favorite Mastodon client and I recommend it for everyone on Mastodon.

Wishing you the best on your future projects, Nolan.

Thomas Broyer

@nolan Pinafore development is dead, long live!

Thank you for that awesome PWA.

Now waiting for @developit's take 😉

David Larlet

@nolan thanks a lot for pinafore *and* taking the time to write that feedback, really appreciated 🙇

tobi (they/them) is writing bugs :terminal_cursor:

@nolan thank you for your amazing work over the years, pinafore is truly a success ❤️ best of luck in your future projects!


@nolan Thanks for the fantastic web experience and leading the way on Mastadon so many years ago 👏

Simon Willison

@nolan thank you so much for Pinafore, it's a fantastic piece of software and a great example of how an SPA can actually deliver in terms of performance and offline capabilities

Tod Robbins

@nolan excellent work ✨✨✨ have loved/used Pinafore for a long while ♥️♥️♥️

Jon G Stødle

@nolan i’ve been a regular user of Pinafore since migrating to Mastodon. Thank you for the awesome client and thanks for keeping it up. Better to leave it behind the burn out ❤️

Lesli Carroll


I love your app as a newbie up here. Thank you for all your time and thoughtful input into this project.


@nolan Thanks for this great Mastodon client that has been my main desktop client for over three years!


@nolan Oh no! I suppose that means we should retire

Thank you for your work on this.


It was a privilege to see the best fediverse web client born and grow. Thank you for your great work!

Pierre-Alain TORET

@nolan thanks for sharing and especially for which has been really interesting for me as I'm trying to get involve more in some projects. Really cool you took the time to write on this subject as it's usually kept in the shadows.


@nolan thanks for all your excellent work on Pinafore over the years -- and for sharing your learnings so nicely in this wrapup post!

Stuart Langridge

@nolan sensible decision to make, and I'm glad you feel like it was worth it. (Which it was!)

Kee Hinckley

@nolan I’m sorry to hear that Pinafore development is ending, but I totally understand. And that’s a really great writeup.


@nolan thanks for all of your work on Pinafore ❤️


@nolan Aww! Thank you for your contributions, I say as I post this from Pinafore.

Francis 🏴‍☠️ Gulotta

@nolan better to step down then burn out. 👏

If vercel ever wants money for it I can help sort that.

Jelv 🎴

@nolan so long and thanks for all the 🐠 :t_blink:


@nolan Thanks a lot for the software. I'll keep running it while I can, and hopefully something as good comes along. Take care, and hope you find something else fun to code on.

Previously, Alice Werefox

@nolan as someone who has been hosting an instance of Pinafore for years, well before my transition (and made a small contribution once or twice), thank you so much for having done this for so long. It was my main go to for quite some time, and remained a consistently wonderful and stable front end for me throughout my time on the fediverse. Good luck to you in your future endeavors, friend. :aliceheartblack:

Les Orchard

@nolan Thank you for your work on Pinafore and! Take good care of yourself!

Alexander Bochmann

@nolan Oh no! I wasn't aware of all the associated tech debt...

Thank you for working on this excellent client all this time!


@nolan thanks for all the fish.

I used Pinafore as my main client from 2018 until Elm take off. I really like it for it's polished UX. Also your blog was always very interesting view into (for me rocket science) frontend stuff.

Ricky de Laveaga

@nolan thank you for Pinafore. I miss Sapper, it's been hard to watch it's approachable simplicity get so convoluted in SvelteKit.

Jamie Teh

@nolan I'm sad to hear this, but I do understand. Thanks for all your work.

Nolan Lawson

@jcsteh Thank you for yours! 🙇‍♂️

David Collantes

@nolan sad news, but the developer always comes first. I have truly enjoyed this light client, and hope that someone forks it, under a different name, to continue its legacy. Thank you!

Peter Merholz

@nolan as a Pinafore devotee, I’m wondering if you recommend any similar web clients to Mastodon?


@nolan thanks. Take care of yourself 😀

Christoph Dubach

What a pity that by far the best Mastodon client is now disappearing. 😢

But of course I can understand you very well: the time to be invested is really enormous.

So all the more: Thank you very much, @nolan! 🙏🏼

Teresa Rothaar :420: :420grey:

@nolan Damn, and I just found Pinafore last week. I'm disappointed to hear this, but I understand why you need to step back. Good luck with your future ventures!


@nolan I've used pinafore from the first day I started here. I don't know Mastodon without it.

Thank you so much for you work.

Chris Thompson

@nolan Appreciate the work you did, sad to see it end.


@nolan Saying thank you like this feels a bit weird, but pinafore has meant a lot to me over the past few years. Especially while I was still on my old galaxy s2, with internet throttled to 64kbit/s because I'd used up all my data, sometimes with spotty connectivity on a train. And it worked so well, with so little frustration.

It showed me just how good a webapp can be.

It's one of the best pieces of software I have ever used, and I have a fondness for it that I have for little else.


Trivikram Kamat

@nolan Thank you for your work, Nolan!

It would be interesting to see if Svelte community can pick up maintenance of Pinafore and highlight it under awesome SvelteKit projects.

Rebecca Hedreen

@nolan Thank you for making the fediverse a little more useable over the years. Well done! Enjoy your "retirement"!

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