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Tektronix used to have their own CRT fabrication shop (the Engineering Tube Lab) for building prototypes for oscilloscopes under development. apparently, as a joke, they made two CRTs out of old coke bottles. named the Coketron, natch.


@tubetime I assume these aren't functional, because there's no anode, aquadag, shadow mask, or phosphor.


@byteshift69 fully functional. they coated the inside at the end with phosphor (can't see it in the B&W photo) you don't need post deflection acceleration for a demo like this. shadow mask only needed for color CRTs.

Григорий Клюшников

Ones made out of green or brown beer bottles, with matching color of phosphor, would look cool af


@North there's some discussions of the challenges at the seal between the coke bottle (soda glass?) and the borosilicate tube with the electron gun is...tricky.

Nick Poole

@tubetime oh, yeah, if you don't build your own electron gun. Just make it out of soda lime glass with dumet seals. I think I'll try to do a working CRT out of Boro first before I face the challenge of working soft glass, though.


@North yeah if you're not building the electron gun it would be easiest to sacrifice one from a working tube i think

Adam Burns

@tubetime In 2018, The mayor of Weisswasser, Germany took me on a tour of the old Telux glass factory where they made light bulbs, valves, and early television tubes, which were circular like scopes, not square. This is a press used in the early TV tube manufacturing process.

Dan Price

@tubetime legit had to check if this was coming from @NanoRaptor


@tubetime How long until there are people making artisanal CRTs, in the way that happens with nixie tubes?


@acb there are a few folks already making some crude ones. it's very challenging.


@tubetime @acb I was going to be mildly surprised if there weren’t people doing so already.


@tubetime Awesome, I can't quite see but did they weld a flat screen to the bottom of the bottle, in innovation the Tektronix are famous for or even phosphor the bottom of the bottle?

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