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Elk 0.2.0 is out ๐Ÿงก
You'll notice a refreshed UI as part of our preparations for open-sourcing the app. If you'd like to get involved, provide feedback, and contribute, join us at and reach out.
The screenshot showcases an #elk feature we love. GitHub links expand as HTML social cards instead of using the provided social images. We get better a11y for the expansion, proper links, and the card matches your preferred theme โœจ

Michael Perry

@elk Thanks so much! Really enjoying the releases.

David Larlet

@elk Iโ€™d love to try it out, is there a public URL?


@elk more readable now to my eye. Really nice!

Expert Plus ๐Ÿ€


I have a problem. I stuck at old version for unknown reason, could anyone please help to upgrade?

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