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Mark Ruffalo

Hey everyone. Just wanted to eliminate the confusion and let you know that this is actually me. 😂 Hope you are having an awesome Thursday!


@MarkRuffalo Welcome. Looking forward to your posts!


@MarkRuffalo but how can we be sure without a checkmark of some color?

Tom Spettigue

@postitman @MarkRuffalo he could probably have an IT guy put a Mastodon verification on his website, too.

Tom Spettigue

@postitman @MarkRuffalo Actually, his "website" ( actually just redirects to his Twitter account still. :(


@postitman @MarkRuffalo there is a checkmark, right there in the pic, it's blue too!


@raphaelmorgan @MarkRuffalo oh, you are most correct. I am convinced; this could be no other than the real Ruffalo.



Shouldn't that be today's newspaper so we can see the date?

Welcome to Mastodon.


@MarkRuffalo ha ha ha nice. You know website verification is a thing here 😂


@Tattooed_mummy @MarkRuffalo

not only does that pic not prove anything, somebody's gonna start their own mark ruffalo account and paste this pic into their intro

Peter Butler

@ares @Tattooed_mummy @MarkRuffalo That was my first thought. I still appreciate the effort though. (If it is really him!!)

Natanael ⚠️

@peterbutler @ares @Tattooed_mummy @MarkRuffalo that's why the pic should have the username (although still possible to Photoshop, at least it takes effort to do that)


@Natanael_L @peterbutler @ares @Tattooed_mummy @MarkRuffalo I think a video message would probably work best. Though there are deep fakes now… darn.


@bertwood @Natanael_L @peterbutler @ares @MarkRuffalo he just needs to verify with his personal website. Or link from his twitter or Tumblr. This account is posting the same things as his new Tumblr.


@saleeba @Natanael_L @peterbutler @ares @Tattooed_mummy @MarkRuffalo
Lol! Nice try, I can see the white out over the original in your photo.

Steve Saleeba

@bertwood @Natanael_L @peterbutler @ares @Tattooed_mummy @MarkRuffalo are you suggesting my photoshop isn’t good enough to be believable? Wow that hurts.

Nafnlaus 🇮🇸 🇺🇦

@ares @Tattooed_mummy @MarkRuffalo Don't make him angry.

You wouldn't like him when he's angry.

Patty Bluebird 🦩

@ares @Tattooed_mummy @MarkRuffalo Last I checked there are 2 accounts with that name. Not sure how we could be certain it's truly him (or any other celebrity for that matter).


@pburke46 @ares @MarkRuffalo Well I reported the one asking people to join a forum. Sounds VERY scammy


@pburke46 @ares @MarkRuffalo also until I have 737 keanu reeves messages in my DMs it won't really feel like Twitter here 😉

Patty Bluebird 🦩

@Tattooed_mummy @ares @MarkRuffalo I get Keaunu in my DMs on Instagram, and also Barry Manilow and Richard Marx. I'm very popular with celebrities.


@pburke46 @ares @Tattooed_mummy @MarkRuffalo they could link their personal website on their profile which can be verified


@CodexNotFound @pburke46 @ares @MarkRuffalo which is what I suggested in my first post about this....


@Tattooed_mummy @pburke46 @ares @MarkRuffalo it was mainly meant for pburke, who didn't know how to know verification for sure (didn't see it was in the thread were you mentioned it as well)


@pburke46 @ares @Tattooed_mummy @MarkRuffalo simple, instead of a mastodon account claiming something, we need to see the usual twitter account confirming this mastodon account belongs to him

Ever Aftar

@ares @Tattooed_mummy @MarkRuffalo So let's all do it. It's easy: open the image, tap "share", choose your mastodon app, and write a new post claiming that you're the real Mark Ruffalo. Just for fun. vs. 🤣

Otto Rask

@ares @Tattooed_mummy @MarkRuffalo

inb4 someone photoshops the paper to say onlyfans instead of mastodon


@ares @Tattooed_mummy @MarkRuffalo

Exactly what I was thinking. There's no account name in the pic.

Tod Beardsley 🏴‍☠️

@ares @Tattooed_mummy @MarkRuffalo

That username-less picture is today's winrar. We are all Mark Ruffalo on this blessed day.



how could he not? I'm a middle aged housewife and I have one LOL @MarkRuffalo


well, he's not a middle-aged housewife so why should he ;-)



@Tattooed_mummy @MarkRuffalo
Wow that's a lot of links! But yes, he should, even if AFAIK doesn't allow adding the rel=me attribute needed for Mastodon verification.


@oblomov no but it looks like he's verified there at least - so it would be a quick check

Hal 😻

@MarkRuffalo yay! If you put your full handle in your Twitter profile, services like Debirdify (or Fedifinder or Movetodon) can find you. Run Debirdify on your twitter contacts to find and follow your contacts here all at once:

Windy Wilson - Weatherman

@MarkRuffalo @connectionist There’s a Twitter bot going round suspending Twitter accounts that have links to other social media platforms. Not worth the risk . . .

Hal 😻

@windywilson88 @MarkRuffalo that was a very short-lived policy! You can run Debirdify without changing your profile, to see all of your contacts who are currently Getting Away With It, Playing With Fire, or Skating On Thin Ice. They're taking the risk, but you don't have to in order to benefit from using Debirdify.

Windy Wilson - Weatherman

@connectionist @MarkRuffalo Thought as much. I’ve put all my social links back up on the Birdsite . . . 👍


Glad you are here. Hope you like it as much as I do. I go back to birdsite once a day but find I have less and less tolerance for the trolling and all the new people in my TL that I would not voluntarily follow.

Janet Foggie

@MarkRuffalo I am me too. Nice to meet you and to put the *social* into social media.


@MarkRuffalo I won't trust this until I can see the last letter of the last word on that sheet of paper

Mister Prickles 🦔

@MarkRuffalo So much better than a blue tick (despite the hostage vibes)


@MarkRuffalo Obviously fake. Bloke in pic isn't even green.

𝗧𝗞 :oh_no_bubble:

Buffalo Ruffalo Buffalo Ruffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Ruffalo


Blink three times if you're under duress.🤔

Elan Hasson


This is great! Welcome to the .

Now you gotta put @MarkRuffalo in your twitter bio so folks can find you here via MoveToDon.Org

gotklss2 / annette


A hostage pic





@MarkRuffalo Hi Mark, thank you for being here and being such an advocate for our planet.


@MarkRuffalo I dig the blue check mark! Great to have your voice here!


@MarkRuffalo now starting a petition to have you play/be the face of asap

Mech Mouse

@MarkRuffalo Nice to see you here, Watched "Now you see me" again last night and again I said "oh I forgot Ruffalo is in this"

𝙶𝚎𝚖™ :verified: 💎🏳️‍🌈


Yay! So happy to see you here, Mark.

I hope more of you join mastodon. 💖🌻


@MarkRuffalo I have been waiting for you to join here! Welcome!!

Go Sports!

@MarkRuffalo We’ll wire the money, we expect you to remain unharmed.

Stephan (moved house)

@MarkRuffalo not 100% convinced. Maybe also put the mastodon @ name on the paper 😏


@MarkRuffalo it looks like Mark.... But I'm still not so sure 😹


@MarkRuffalo can we get some spoilers, just to be sure, you understand :)

Studio Beau

@MarkRuffalo Excellent to see you here! Wish I were closer to PS for the Lakota film — perhaps the Sedona Film Festival? Welcome to Mastodon!


@MarkRuffalo Glad to have tripped over your account here Mark. I see you often on line with some great Canadians advocating for the only planet and environment we have. Binge watching the Marvel series this month and last night my wife and I saw you in The Avengers. A fun movie.

Alpha Lupi

@MarkRuffalo simple test if it’s really you, answer this question: how often are you angry? Sometimes, never or always?


@MarkRuffalo Hey Mark, good to see you here! I think there is a way to verify your account that involves linking it to your website. (And if you don't have a website PLEASE talk to your PR person about that because OMG.)


@MarkRuffalo Oh great, now I'll just make a dupe account and post the same thing!

(Write the @ tag 😀 )

Jill Minor

@MarkRuffalo Hey man, great to see you. Love your hair.

Muhlyssa 🌮✅

@MarkRuffalo I will make people verification signs like that for $7.99


@MarkRuffalo Thank you and welcome to Mastodon! I am so glad that this is actually you. Made me smile! 😀

ElleDawgg (She/Her)

Wait wut? Really? For reals? Like no rug pulled? 😃


@MarkRuffalo So. A picture like that--which doesn't specify *which* mastodon account--can be posted and reposted by anyone. See the problem?


@00Aaron @MarkRuffalo

Someone has already done exactly that! More for fun, because he obviously wasn't Mark. After that I searched for the real Mark and found this account here 😁

Walker Boh🛡

@MarkRuffalo do Mastodon right - FOLLOW people, there is no algorithm here - you have to follow people and interact.

Something celebs from $8chan have failed to grasp.



Nice try buddy. You look *nothing* like Mark Ruffalo. I’ve seen Mark Ruffalo in a couple movies. He’s way more muscular & has green skin.

Chris Williams

@sezduck @MarkRuffalo

Hey, don't make him angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.

Silvia :mastodon: :fediverso:

Hey ! What a surprise !
I wouldn’t had any chance to find you on the birdsite 😉
Cheers from Italy 🇮🇹


@MarkRuffalo @mookie And followed and boosted. Btw, loved your work in Begin Again. Oh, and welcome! Glad you’re here!

Zach Leatherman :11ty:

@MarkRuffalo welcome Mark!

If you have a web site you can verify your account with it and make your mastodon account more reputable!


@MarkRuffalo missed opportunity to name your account HulksMast

Sir Rochard 'Dock' Bunson

Welcome to the Fediverse!

This places rules and is virtually 💯 % narcissistic, fascist billionaire free! 😂

Mike Huntington

@MarkRuffalo @hybridhavoc Blink 8 times if you’re being held hostage to hold this sign Mark.

Tim Mensch

@MarkRuffalo Ideally you'd add the text of the account name to the text in the picture.

Otherwise someone can grab that picture and post it on some OTHER Mastodon account claiming to be you.

Sorry, I just think about security too much. I'll leave now. Love to see you here on Mastodon. 😀



@MarkRuffalo so cool to have you here in the Fediverse 🫶🏼

HP van Braam :verified:

@MarkRuffalo ha! I bet that sharpie didn't cost $8 either! Welcome to the fediverse!


@MarkRuffalo Welcome to ! A great account to follow is @feditips. They have all sorts of info on Mastodon & the that you might find helpful.


@MarkRuffalo get to following folks! This place is a safe haven for rational thinking


@MarkRuffalo thanks Mark just watched Spotlight again the other day - beautiful film, you were almost as good as Keaton in it. ha ha jk man have a good one 👍


@MarkRuffalo I see some memes incoming (don‘t show easy to manipulated sheets into a cam) :) welcome


@MarkRuffalo Still don't believe it.Tell us something about you that only you would know.

Rai Aren 🖖✨📚🇺🇦

@MarkRuffalo Wonderful to see you here! I've been quite happy here, I hope you will be, too 🤗

Mac Aodh

@raccoonformality @MarkRuffalo

I figure he's a rough buffalo who marks things. It's all there in the username. Sort of.

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