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MolarFox :fox_happy_blep:

@kotik 10/10 no words containing "goats" cross my mind


Worthy internet history. I don't trust anyone who does not know Goatse, Lemon Party, GNFOS,, and of course ANUS.

kotik's pic storage

I've told some of my gen z friends about goatse and loss. Educating the youth.

SuperDicq I'm better at spotting hidden goatse than loss.


@kotik but why is the floppy disk square

I'm pretty sure it used to be a circle

metallcorn 🐧

@kotik пользователи интернета помладше, не поймут. ни то, что реально изображено, ни то, почему это смешно

kotik's pic storage

Я рассказывала паре друзей-зумеров про гоатсе и лосс, просвещаю молодежь, так сказать.

metallcorn 🐧

@kotik это правильно! они должны расти с теми же травмами, что и мы )

Не заудь про Константина Крестова рассказать и его нелёгкую судьбу. Пусть тоже три дня напеват обращение к небу )

metallcorn 🐧

@kotik блин. на жене проверил, она вообще не вывезла ) но смешнол

Mark Gardner

@kotik Yeah, well, a certain hello.jpg ruined that as a symbol ten years later

Martin McWhorter


How about a content warning next time?

Tessa :inanna: 🏳️‍⚧️

@kotik Several versions of a graphic with the word "shareware" in all caps next to, above, and below the logo graphic.

The logo graphic depicts two hands coming out of the sides of the image holding an old-style 5 1/4" floppy disk, but it looks like two hands spreading a butt to expose a gaping butthole and vagina.

Text below the graphic:
This was the official logo of the Shareware Marketing company (later Atlantic Coastplc and SWREG), and was officially registered as a trademark in 1989. It depicts a floppy disk being passed from one person to another. Shareware Marketing's ...

@kotik Several versions of a graphic with the word "shareware" in all caps next to, above, and below the logo graphic.

The logo graphic depicts two hands coming out of the sides of the image holding an old-style 5 1/4" floppy disk, but it looks like two hands spreading a butt to expose a gaping butthole and vagina.

Tessa :inanna: 🏳️‍⚧️

@kotik 2/2
slogan was "One day all software will be sold this way."

Source: Shareware Heroes, by Richard Moss.

Alyson Decker

@kotik I thought this was someone hugging a floppy disk and now I’m sad it’s not.

Trish 🇨🇦

@kotik That image freaks me out. College 1992, I had an accounting assignment that was do be completed during the semester in Bedford (software).

I did the assignment in the last week of the semester (as did most of my class) and this is where it was saved...then corrupted.

I had to do the assignment again, the day before the due date as these floppies liked to corrupt just because you looked at them! LOL

Jason R Tibbetts

@kotik To make the circle complete, the goatse image also featured a floppy di*k.


@kotik somehow this is how we will remind of those proud SUV owners >_<

Abandoned America

@kotik a lot has happened to the world since that logo was created

Spring Breakdown :jo:

@kotik :blobdisapproval: A more "innocent" time, I suppose.

砂漠人 :hyogo: x 🏜️

@kotik Little known fact, the shareware alliance had its offices on Christmas Island.


@kotik The company left a gaping hole in the internet history.

@kotik "One day, all software will come out of here." We finally got there!

@kotik when I worked for the home page featured a giant Voodoo Donut (from Portland) held this way. Unfortunately I knew no-one in the department that picked that to see if they were in on the “joke” or not

Wayne Loche

@kotik oh no you don’t. I’ve been around long enough to know goatse when I see it.


@kotik a clown putting it's hands over it's eyes, right? Right?

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