@MolarFox@furry.engineer @kotik@mastodon.ml doesn’t look anything like the Nokia N-Gage Worthy internet history. I don't trust anyone who does not know Goatse, Lemon Party, GNFOS, alt.fan.karl-malden.nose, and of course ANUS. @amerika @kotik пользователи интернета помладше, не поймут. ни то, что реально изображено, ни то, почему это смешно @metallcorn @kotik это правильно! они должны расти с теми же травмами, что и мы ) Не заудь про Константина Крестова рассказать и его нелёгкую судьбу. Пусть тоже три дня напеват обращение к небу ) @kotik 2/2 Source: Shareware Heroes, by Richard Moss. @kotik That image freaks me out. College 1992, I had an accounting assignment that was do be completed during the semester in Bedford (software). I did the assignment in the last week of the semester (as did most of my class) and this is where it was saved...then corrupted. I had to do the assignment again, the day before the due date as these floppies liked to corrupt just because you looked at them! LOL @kotik Little known fact, the shareware alliance had its offices on Christmas Island. |
@kotik 10/10 no words containing "goats" cross my mind