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Mark J

@ivory as someone from the great southern land (Australia) I’d love it to be the later times as the 9am time is 2am. Desperate to participate and missed the last couple of openings!

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Markyj If this one ends up in the morning, we will try to do the next one in the evening. But it won't be too much longer before it's released for everyone! Working hard to make it happen this month. 🙂

Mark J

@ivory I have been a Tweetbot fan and customer for years so I’m excited to see what you can do on Mastodon. I haven’t opened up the other one in a while and I don’t plan to.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Markyj Should be much better here without all the limitations of the Public Twitter API. 🙂


@ivory @Markyj That would be amazing to see the app in the App Store this month. I hope I can get a slot this time today.

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