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joanne mcneil

next week, my friend is letting me stay at her mother's house—empty at the moment—to get some writing done.

It is right around the mills where DEC had their old offices and I hope there is some exploring that I can do around there.

I had no idea that it was the state's largest employer in the 80s. But I recently asked my dad about them and he said DEC tried to recruit him to work on their private airline but he didn't trust them bc they were off-putting big spender types


@jomc Oh, Maynard! Some friends of mine used to live there and had a nice little house. One of them worked at a succession of game studios in the Mill complex that DEC used to be in, it was kind of a neat place to explore.

Darius Kazemi

@jplebreton I'm having 38 studios flashbacks...

joanne mcneil

@darius @jplebreton just looked that place up on wikipedia...UM WOW. Curt Schilling??

Darius Kazemi

@jomc @jplebreton and massive fraud! Someone I know went to work for him, was told that the company sold his house for him when he moved to go work at the studio, when he was fired was told "oops we didn't sell it, btw you are on the hook for the mortgage plus the mortgage at the house you moved into to work for us"

It was bad


@darius @jomc yep! my friends were similarly screwed over. it's way worse than any other studio implosion i've heard about.

joanne mcneil

@darius @jplebreton jeez... and maynard isn't *that close* to boston. they would have been somewhat isolated out there—which i guess put a lot of people in a vulnerable place to move to RI.


@darius YEP, that was one of the studios she worked for... not every studio closure prompts a state government investigation!

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