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Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

The current Steam Survey numbers

Reads like Pop!_OS and Linux Mint weren't being counted before.

It also shows a total increase for Linux over last month, despite the overall percentage being lower. Whut.

Steam Survey results for Linux - December 2020, showing Pop!_OS and Linux Mint gaining their entire share in one month...sus
Kevin Karhan :verified:

@gamingonlinux Personally, I expect people to move more and more from #Windows10 to #Windows11 due to the bs requirement for a #TPM for #CensorBoot...


@gamingonlinux PopOS and Mint where probably included in the other field, instead of being identified separately.

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

@mrax Together their % is more than what Other dropped by, so that doesn't even relate

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

@mrax (plus if they only moved out of other, it would / should only still show their monthly change)


@gamingonlinux This is based on random samples, so you must expect an inherent error and instability to the numbers. Using a single data point (one month) is not a good idea.

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

@mivey uh no, it's generally fine, it's not instability, this month just doesn't make any sense

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