@socialkindness1 @Runa_Hellinga @stux
Yeah, that's a circa 1989-1991 Macintosh Portable
Very neat machine.
Many fond memories playing Shufflepuck on that crisp, non-backlit (originally) 640x400 monochrome display at the UT Austin Microcenter (no relation to the currently extant chain store with the same name).
It had a 16Mhz 68000 processor, and a LEAD ACID battery.
It was heavy enough to interdict vessels from hyperspace within 12 parsecs 😂
@RL_Dane @socialkindness1 @Runa_Hellinga @stux I had one on loan in college. I nicknamed it “The Shoulder Destructor 5000” because the Mac itself was heavy, but the bag and accessories made it worse, and it was a long walk to the bus, and around campus.