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@Gargron OMG just restarting the service made it work haha. beers or dinner is on me, you have paypal?


@Gargron I can't believe it was that easy. I am such a moron. my bad, seriously

Eugen Rochko

@jeff I just hope the patch solves your issue


@Gargron wish I could support this more. my broke ass is commission only so ten dollars is probably a drop in the bucket for your hosting fees 😂 some workers are still stuck but will pester you later if they remain that way

(otherwise, I'm not offended if you just tell me to setup a cron job to reset the service)

Thanks again! 🍻

Eugen Rochko

@jeff Dealing with PayPal donations is a bother in terms of taxes, but I have a Patreon you can donate to and then cancel immediately

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