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Eric A. Meyer

This is a really, really nice base stylesheet with excellent typography (at least in the serif and monospace families) and markup considerations.

Rui Carmo

@Meyerweb yep. I keep worming parts of it into my own blog...


@Meyerweb It's great! I used it pretty much wholesale for ... (which I haven't updated for years now. ☹️)

John Hume

@Meyerweb I liked it even before I got to the #Clojure sample code!


@Meyerweb Oh, that is lovely; I wonder how hard it would be to integrate the needed classes into my markdown workflow?

Russell Garner

@JeniT "It also uses the methodology of sentences which then cumulate sequentially into paragraphs, rather than the grunts of bullet points."

This is a phrase I shall remember for life.

Mr. Completely

@Meyerweb Ed Tufte the absolute king. I started reading his work in the very early days of web design and he changed the way I see everything - now he's foundational of course, but for awhile there "actually, unless it's an art site, focus on the content and make the presentation serve that" was a bit revolutionary on the ol interwebs

Catherine Berry

@Meyerweb , while reading the overview document I discovered that their "clever" CSS trick to underline links in a nonstandard way results in invisible underlines when viewed in forced dark mode on all browsers I tested. Forced dark mode (light text on dark background) is an essential accessibility feature for many vision-impaired users, including me.

I understand the desire to share an artistic vision through site design. I just wish people would do it without creating a11y barriers.

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