Why do I have to restart my masto services after just one or two days? It's like everything is frozen. Requests default to pending. And I have plenty of resources to spare, and on current version.
I just don't get it.
@Gargron sorry. wasn't trying to be unclear. sometimes everything on the instance stops. as in no new content in federated timeline or home. if I try to follow someone, it says pending even if they don't require approval. But if I restart those 3x services, my home screen and timeline will fill up and display new content, and I'm able to follow those same accounts with one click. @jeff Well, I'm not restarting anything here, it's obviously not supposed to require that. Just trying to figure out what could be wrong because the observations described could be anything. @jeff It's either a) the streaming server isn't up or can't be connected to for some reason or b) the sidekiq service is not executing jobs. There's a link to the Sidekiq dashboard from the admin UI. @Gargron hey wanted to follow-up on this. looks like your hunch was correct - the sidekiq service was not executing jobs. under "Dashboard" the top timeline was all blank. When I ran "systemctl restart mastodon-sidekiq" my timeline started to fill in and it functions now. just strange behavior considering it has only been up for 3 days. @jeff @spla What do you mean after restart? Did you restart while investigating. This will make finding the cause more difficult. That being said none of those jobs are supposed to take an hour, or more than like a minute, realistically. You will want to send the Sidekiq process a TTIN signal to make it print backtraces of what it's currently executing @Gargron @spla the first row didn't even return any results. The 2nd row down tid search just came up with 1 line: Apr 28 21:09:08 ubuntu bundle[13509]: 2021-04-29T01:09:08.212Z pid=13509 tid=58x WARN: Thread TID-2hth processor Just doesn't make sense why something can be stuck without much of a description (now showing 6 stuck) |
@jeff I don't know what you mean by pending requests and what that has to do with restarting.