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kelbot ◖⎚∠⎚◗

@pixouls @alcinnz The PSP browser is pathetic, now. But let me tell you that thing was the bee's knees when it was new! We didn't have smartphones like we do now and that was pretty much THE most portable device you could browse the web on and it did a pretty good job. And that was on top of all the other stuff it could do. Games (duh), internet radio, RSS reader, even OTA television in Japan! Still love my PSP but it was especially rad at the time it came out.

robflop and then you see how they treated the vita, the poor thing could've been so much more had sony not doomed it


@kelbot @pixouls @alcinnz I was just discussing this with friends yesterday actually, my PSP was some time before I got a smart phone (though I did get a PSP somewhat late), so I absolutely used that thing as a multimedia device. Web browsing, watching videos, listening to music...I had data on my Sony Ericsson but that was expensive to use so it was better to have my PSP on wifi. 🏳️‍🌈 :misskey: I totally remember this yea, I even used it to chat on MSN Messenger via some website client! Until I got myself my first Smartphone (Blackberry) =3

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