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Harald von Waldow

Oh yes. And the term "hardware-arrogance" needs more exposure.
Related: Is there a deadline after which public services don't get away anymore with the footnote "this (webpage|document) is not barrier-free"?
@kelbot @alcinnz @gvwilson

CatButtes :verified_coffee:

@hvwaldow @pixouls @kelbot @alcinnz @gvwilson iirc they have to be making a reasonable effort to resolve the issues and reviewing the accessibility statement on a regular basis (at least in the UK). Just throwing up a statement that you know the site has issues isn’t good enough. You need to enumerate the issues you are aware of and provide an expected fix date. You also have to detail when and who reviewed the site and a few other bits…

Harald von Waldow

Thanks! That fits well into the picture of being pretty much ahead in these matters.
@pixouls @kelbot @alcinnz @gvwilson

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