Email or username:


Forgot your password?

@vidister Wenn zwei sich streiten…


Jonathan Stowe


I'd probably go with vipw but yeah 🤣


@pl @vidister

Nah, this is bloat: echo "user:password:1001:1001:,,,:/home/user:/bin/sh" >>/etc/passwd



@yassin wait you can just write directly into the file 🤯


@pl wait didn't you just suggest that, too?


@yassin kinda, just was being sarcastic because I didn't need your reply sry


@pl eh, it was just a bad meme joke building on a bad advice joke

categulario 🐍 🦀 🦎 🇵🇸

@vidister I took me some time to create a mnemonic to remember which is which .-.

yakkoj 🦊

@vidister in a world that's working right, the "adduser" button is not wired up. ;o)


@nblr @vidister oh ja.

Aber wenigstens kann ich mir die Reihenfolge von Quelle und Ziel bei ln merken, seit ich die Analogie zu cp geschnallt habe.


@hllizi @nblr @vidister Oh, nice. Bei mir war der Moment des Schnallens jetzt. Mal schauen ob es hängen bleibt.
Vielen Dank!

Christ van Willegen

@hllizi @nblr @vidister I started on CP/M (dinosaur alert!), where the PIP program has PIP <dest>=<src>. Guess how many times THAT went wrong whem using Unix (like) operating systems...


@nblr @vidister haha… ich hab immer gedacht das liegt an mir.. 😳

Matt Maguire

@vidister I face that conundrum every time I want to create a user -- when the cognitive tension becomes too high I'll often chicken out and end up just editing the passwd file 🙂

WalterKühl :bagpiper:
@vidister I have scripts to prevent those mistakes lol.

It was Debian/Ubuntu who made the "alternative" and confusing everyone?
In #Flancia we'll meet

@vidister haha *so much this* is probably one of the nodes in my digital garden I visit the most, along with the obvious complement (but less so nowadays?)


@vidister (ln source target) (ln target source)


@vidister Just like when I have to use `ln -s`.


@hawkinsw what helps me remember the order, is that you can omit the last argument to have the symlink created in the current working dir. Which means that the last argument is the target, and the first the source.

Gabor Major 🇪🇺 ☕

@vidister How about a shell script called "ausera" that acts as an interface and calls "adduser" or "useradd" up to chance. Its only fair.


@vidister Oh yes, this.

Like plugging in a USB-A connector, I somehow end up picking randomly and getting the wrong answer much more than 50% of the time.


@vidister I'm in this picture and I don't like it 🤣

Sheldon Chang 🇺🇸

@vidister and somehow the one you pick is always the opposite of how you decided last time.

Am-I-rite or Am_I_rite?


@vidister i just shuddered ... the safe one is adduser, right. Or wait...

dr 🛠️🛰️📡🎧:blobfoxcomputer:

@vidister Don't worry, it matters a LOT which one you choose at random.


ansible localhost -m user -a "name=whynotzoidberg"

Austin Heller

@vidister If I'm doing stored procedures, I do noun + verb (simply because the IDE sorts alphabetically). I wish Microsoft SQL Server had the concept of "folders" and that it translated to an actual folder structure in SSMS.
#ssms #microsoft #sql #database


@vidister you know you've messed this up when it starts asking you for the room number 😁


@vidister I'm so friggin dyslexic, I cannot tell you which is which.

My name is Rick 💉⁴ + 💉

@vidister This is akin to the USB Heisenstate. Whichever you use .. it was the other one.

Ben Zanin

@vidister this patch right here is one reason I like the distribution which patches it in to the manual!!


¹: - the discussion from 2007 where someone decided to make the docs suck less

²: - the simple addition to the manual right at the top where it's the first thing readers should see

@vidister this patch right here is one reason I like the distribution which patches it in to the manual!!


¹: - the discussion from 2007 where someone decided to make the docs suck less


@vidister @noelle every time I try to modify a BusyBox image

Dave Disser

@vidister lol I just had to do this switching a Dockerfile base image from Ubuntu to Alpine


@vidister I re-check the manual everytime for this one.

Nizar Kerkeni 🇹🇳 نزار القرقني

@hawkinsw @vidister My tip "the alphabetical order" between the first letters a & u
adduser is high level command (more sophisticated)
useradd is low level command 😉


@vidister I get into this because I forget the name.

What I do is remembering usermod, as this tool follow the pattern of the original toois.

Then I think, if there is usermod, the original tool is useradd.


@vidister @hynek or just manually add it to /etc/passwd 😄


@vidister useradd siempre, junto con usermod, comandos imprescindibles.


@vidister The same problem in software development: better to have methods grouped by function (adduser, addgroup) or by subject (useradd, userupdate) :-)

tyil useradd seems more universally available in my experience, so that's what I always use.


@Fritange @vidister alias useradd='adduser' \o/
or reverse...
or both ? :D


@vidister useradd, unless you are a pre-install / post-install script in a .deb


@vidister echo "user::0:0::/:/bin/bash" >> /etc/passwd

Crash Course

I think that in Linux there are indeed two commands to add a user....
Very confusing indeed.


@vidister @agro You monster, I'd almost recycled those neurons.

Piko Starsider :verified_paw:

@vidister Arch has no adduser by default so it forced me to learn useradd instead (useradd -d /home/user -m user) (edit: I just checked and actually just -m is necessary)




Ich weiß, es ist ein Meme. Finde es auch lustig, da ich mich auch so oft vertippt habe. Habe es aber gelernt. Es ist leider nicht "adduser", sondern "useradd"


@vidister just like USB-A I'll get it wrong twice.


@vidister I use the wrong one every time :akko_sad2:

Camille - stature de tragédien


Typical of a Debian administrator,
On RH distributions it's a f* alias...

In case of doubt break the man glass...

--help doesn't help 😭

Der Jens 🇪🇺

LOL yea! Every other year I need to do this


@vidister this is my life as a FreeBSD + Linux sysadmin :')

Fernando :verified:

@vidister lol I hate the cli utilities that do this. Can we get some consistency

install remove vs
install uninstall

slower traffic keep right

@vidister still do this at least every other time! Also chown a directory 0755 ❤️

John Blair

@vidister vipw, then vipw -s, then vipw -g 😂

An Fiach Rua 𓅂

@vidister echo “user:x:1001:1001:user,,,:/home/user:/bin/bash” >> /etc/passwd

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