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Nuki: The Littlest Pervert

When U make an account to interact with readers and promote and monetize your sci-fi fetish erotica, and 4 years later, you get blasted across the Fediverse, but it's ur low-effort shitposts of other people's art that the people REALLY want to see...

Mastodon never ceases to amuse me.

Octavia con Amore

@tanuki Isn't the internet wonderful? Sink tens of hours of effort into your art and it gets a few pairs of eyeballs, while a quick share of some other art gets 40 boosts in less than an hour. The internet is a cruel mistress.

Nuki: The Littlest Pervert

Yeah, I turned off my like and boost notifications for this. Hopefully it's blown over by tonight...

Octavia con Amore

@tanuki Or very possibly blown up even more...? (・∀・)

Nuki: The Littlest Pervert

I mean, I'm getting traffic from it, so I'm not gonna complain about that. I just hope the new followers and all that realize that this account is mainly for posting sex-positive content...

Octavia con Amore

@tanuki To be fair, your profile is preeetty clear and I see at least 4 different instances of "this profile posts poooooorn" and variations thereof, so...hopefully, your followers are at least literate?

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