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Will Browar 👨🏻‍💻

@paul as much as I wish I got in so I can try out Ivory, I’m just glad to see the demand for it. Keep up the good work, guys!


@paul what the hell? someone bot'ed testflight slots?


@paul one of these days ! Don’t worry I won’t report you lol

Dominic Nieto

@paul well that was disappointing. Maybe an email waitlist? And release invites that way?


@paul Haha, wow! I was refreshing from 10:29 (to 10:35), but didn't see a CLIMPSE of anything but the beta is full.... :(

Anders Thoresson

@paul Oh. Should have continued the reloading! Better luck next time!

Dan C Williams

@paul WOW! Are people just constantly trying the link? Do I not understand how this system works? Are we living in a simulation and I am just lagging behind?

Dan Hulton

@paul haha omfg. Okay, that's wild. I guess I'm not too sad about missing the window. Maybe this happened when I stopped tapping for 2s to sit down on the couch.

Jocelyn 🏳️‍⚧️ (she/her)

@paul holy shit! I keep trying, but it's not seeming like it'll happen until release 😅

Doug Tabacco

@paul Huh, it went over? I guess Apple didn't plan for a massive rush on testflight invites, so the counts accumulate asynchronously.

Stefan :veritrek:

@paul wow 🤯
Seems there is ALOT of interest in @ivory

Congrats to all winners of the golden ticket to the chocolate factory 🏭


@paul Missed it by a few minutes, grr. I hope you are able to open up to a large crowd at some point. I’m sure many would even pay to get some of that sweet unfinished Ivory. I know I would. I’m so extremely used to seeing the Tweetbot UI when browsing Twitter that anything else feels off.

Karim Le Vallois

@paul WOW, you seem to be onto something here…


@paul I kept refreshing every second and it stayed full all the time 😭

Adam Gessaman :crab:

@paul sir, I’m optimistic that you are going to make a living off this app. 💰💰💰

Chris Hubbs

@adam @paul I am 0-for-3 getting into the TestFlight beta and that makes me sad. I shall live vicariously through your Ivory experience.

Adam Gessaman :crab:

@cjhubbs @paul I feel your pain. I’m 0/3 on getting tickets to Taylor Swift, Noah Kahan, and the Postal Service. At least the Ivory lottery isn’t fixed like Ticketmaster.

Henry Cole

@paul haha insane! and a testament to your work…

Thomas Hartwig

@paul the TestFlight page literally never changed from this Beta is full despite hammering refresh 😭

David Oakley

@paul The only responsible thing to do is to get up in the middle of the night so that us Europeans get a fair crack of the whip! 😜

Manuel Bauer

@paul Seems like it was a great decision to build a Mastodon app :) 🐘

Zorin =^o.o^=

@paul This bodes really well for the success of Ivory! I hope a large percentage become paid users on release. I know I will!

Matt Langford :prami:

@paul Wow! My thumbs aren’t fast enough. Could use a snail mail invite. K thx.


@paul went so fast I was hitting refresh constantly from 10:29:55 -> 10:30:15 and the page only said that the beta was full; never that it was open 😅 awesome to see such a huge interest in the app!

Mae Dean :startrek:

@paul holy cow. And here I thought I was refreshing fast enough.


@paul can’t believe I was able to make it in this time 😂


@paul I tried it exactly at this time, refreshing every second, but it always said „beta is full“ 😂


@paul Wow! Harder to get than Taylor Swift tickets!

Brother Holmes

@paul that’s incredible. Missed out this time, but it looks very promising for your team to have that much interest. 😄


@paul I finally got in so thanks 🙏🏻


@paul That mountain is pure snow. Do you know the street value of that mountain?

Chris Wu :toucan:

@paul 😳 Appreciate you starting right on the dot! I timed my attempt for that.

Tobias Horvath

@paul Testflight didn't even show anything but full for me in any millisecond past the moment you raised the limit. Oh well. Can't wait for release so I can throw money at you :)

Martin :verified:

@paul how is that even possible. I did refresh a few times after 10:30:00 but did not see the beta full message disappear. :(

Bram Schulting

@paul Lol it didn't even show as available for me for a second, and I was refreshing multiple devices.

It's a really big compliment for you and @mark though, don't let that go unnoticed! 👏

Rizwan :ivory_elephant:


Hope this turns the same for 1.0 launch with subs.


@paul haha, bloody hell. I must’ve been seconds late and was really confused - I’d figured you just hadn’t set it live yet. But I guess this bodes very well for the future of the app :)

Tom Eppenberger Jr

@paul that’s crazy. Didn’t make it this time, but hopefully next.

kyvan d.

@paul I guess trying to join in off the grid, on a road trip, with 2G connectivity does not help at all

Eshu Marneedi

@paul Insane! Ivory is totally worth the hype though, this app is so good. Thank you for making it!

MrB 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

@paul yeah, I was one if the spammers! I regret nothing.

That Nonproductive Guy

@paul I could be interpreting this wrong, but seems like there may be some demand for the Tweetbot of Mastodon? :)

Michał Kasprzyk

@paul it seems that I have good reaction time because I was able to get it 😅

Jesse Baer 🔥

@paul Whoa, didn’t realize I was one of the first 85! Feel pretty cool now ;)

Fernando Mateus

@paul Now I know why I didn’t get it. Thanks.

Andreas Dantz

@paul could have saved me a few minutes of refreshing if only the Fediverse would be a little more realtime 😀

Neil K 此内

@paul counting myself as actually lucky this time in that case

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