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Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

Looks like a combination of making the post "followers only" & tons of people refreshing our instance page caused the federation to misbehave quite badly. We are truly sorry about that.

To make it up to some of you, at 10:30PM CST (about 30 minutes from this post timestamp) we’re going to re-open spots in the same link ( as before on TestFlight. That way you can beat up Apple’s server instead of our own. Again, refresh the testflight link, not our server page. 😅

Liaizon Wakest

@ivory oh thank god! I was so sad I missed the last window!

John Payne :procella:

@ivory very gracious. I'm curious if you have any plans to disclose numbers?

owner of a vestigial heart

@ivory The INSANE demand is not your fault, but it’s very generous of you to try and offer people another shot anyway. Cheers!

Fahim Farook

@ivory That’s fair … and smart — hopefully, Apple can withstand the onslaught better than your servers 😛

Gen X-Wing

@ivory I know of the slashdotted and Reddit hug of death.

What is it called when Mastodon DDoses a server by popularity?


@ivory @brady click the preview of the link instead of the actual text. I know in my current app the truncation in the post text broke it, may be the same for you

Dallas Groot

@ivory awesome. Thanks! I think because your server got overloaded before activitypub was ever able to capture your toot.

Leonard Wong

@ivory yeah
The post didn’t show up for me for 13 mins and I was a followers
How I get it next try


@ivory thank you! Fingers crossed this time!

Tae Kim

@ivory good luck everyone! May the odds be ever in your favor 😂

André Claaßen

@ivory So sad, the beta is full even me as an early bird had no chance to parcipate. I am hoping for the next round.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@andreclaassen it’s going to be open in 15 minutes! Check that TestFlight link then.

Ben Greenberg

@ivory thank you! I wasn't able to see the post with the link till 13 mins after 8 CT. Watching the ⏰ with 🤞🏼

Christopher :schulte:

@ivory the mastodon network hit 400,000 toots an hour recently. Coincidental timing with the ivory TF release? 🧐

Chris McCulloh, MD ♿️(he/him)

@ivory This feels like the annual running of @ShmooCon tickets. Standing by, ready to refresh aggressively.


@ivory Thank you! Happy to get another chance.

Mikey R

@ivory thanks! I got in and excited to test.

Jan-Aslak Leino

@ivory The sudden silence in the comments seems to suggest that people got in this time. As did I. Thank you! Feels like I’m home.


@ivory Drat. Got to the “accept” screen and it errored out. Next time. 🙁

Jimmy Wilson

@ivory damn! Looks like that one filled instantly. I refreshed on the dot (and a every 10 secs after) and it was already full

Tyler Loch

@ivory Awesome (and fair!) method.
Though I may be biased because I finally got in :)


@ivory nailed it that time! Thanks for offering more seats! 😁

Mark Nichols :neovim:

@ivory Thank you for reopening the Test Flight. I’m excited to be able to test Ivory.

Michael Fisher

@ivory Got a slot this time, thanks for the extra bite at the apple.

Robert Kosara

@ivory thank you so much! First post from Ivory, looks amazing so far!

Ian Ragsdale

@ivory well that went fast! Y’all broke TestFlight for a minute (I kept getting errors saying “TestFlight is unavailable” when I tried to hit the Accept button and then back to “This Beta is Full” by 11:31


@ivory Still says full, did they already fill up?

Fahim Farook

@ivory If the beta did open up right on time, it went within two refreshes since I never saw anything but "this beta is full" 😛 I kept refreshing between 10:29 and 10:32 and nothing ....


@ivory Thank you! Twitter,… third time’s the charm!


@ivory couldn’t even click accept in TestFlight before they ran out of spots 🥲

Joubin 🛡️

@ivory I got in!!! This app might be expensive when it launches :) well done.


@ivory guess I missed this one too. Glad you’re getting your testers though.


@ivory no luck again. I saw the Accept button, but it errored then.

Emory Fierlinger

@ivory surely open a couple more spots? 🤞

Bryan Hoffman

@ivory Bunmer, missed iut. And the test flight page turned into German!

Lisa Brewster

@ivory login isn’t responding rn for, but I’m in!

Nick from Toronto

@ivory Looks like I'm destined to not be able to get in on this. 😔


@ivory damn, got as far as the TestFlight app and the Open button and then a "TestFlight isn't available now" error 🤦🏻‍♂️


@ivory Oh wow, these are going so fast!! So many dedicated Tapbots customers! So happy you’re getting such a great response. So sad for me for missing out! 🤣

JOhn Guy

@ivory DAMN! missed out!

Funny thing is I spend my whole day pushing releases out to Testflight so a bit weird being on the receiving end of failed downloads :)

Hopefully I'll get in on one of the next rounds. I'm liking Mastodon so would be good to get a great client


@ivory Despite refreshing constantly it never changed from “This beta is full.” for me ☹️

Brad Lauster

@ivory I need to accept that I’m just not going to get access to this alpha. 😅

Kevin Yank

@ivory Dang, missed this until now because I was working like a chump. 😆

Joe Pasqua

@ivory Well, that escalated quickly. I tried right at 10:30PM CST and all slots were gone. On we still don’t see your most recent posts. I had to look directly at to see them. The federation delay seems to be a problem.


@ivory wow that filled up almost instantly! glad to see all this interest though.

Marc Bach, CSI

@ivory oh man the link was broken because the last “)” got added to it and once I realized the beta was full again.

ADHD Jesse :verified:

@ivory 😭

I keep missing these signup windows by minutes. Brutal.


@ivory what time shall we try again in the morning? 🤗🥴


@ivory well I missed this message. If only I had access to a good mobile client for notifications on iOS.

David Ogren

@ivory So here’s the deal. Demand is high. Your “alpha” is reportedly the highest quality product around. In truth I don’t want in on your alpha. I want to give you money. Let tonight be a lesson. It’s time to ship an MVP. I trust tappots to iterate forward. But the time has come to let people give you money. I know it’s not ready. Mastadon isn’t ready either, but we have to start with what we have ready. Take my money.

Marcin Żłobicki

@ivory woke up early, like 5am early (European here) to this surprise and got my spot. Thanks! 🥲

Sean C.

@ivory i think i’m just not meant to get into the beta since i can never seem to be quick enough


@ivory incessantly refreshing your instance page? It’s me. Hi, I’m the problem, it’s me.

Mae Dean :startrek:

@ivory CRAAAAAP. I was putting my kid to bed and missed it!

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