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Alex Wild

I show this bug every year to my intro entomology students to see if they can figure out what body part all that undulating spiny weirdness is.

Heteronotus sp. treehopper, Ecuador.

#Entomology #Insects

A black bug with a large, oddly shaped structure on its back, against a plain green background.
Adam Yates

@alexwild I would guess pronotum, largely because that is what gets elaborated in other treehoppers but it kind of looks like it is growing straight out of the vertex of the head.

Soh Kam Yung

@alcootatooter @alexwild If that isn't confusing enough, I spotted this Tube Spittlebug, genus Machaerota, in Singapore, which superficially resembles family Membracidae. Fortunately, Nicky Bay corrected me and gave some info on them. 🙂

My observation on iNat:

A tube spittlebug, genus Machaerota, on a plant stem, facing upwards. A brown bug with a spine growing out from its back, superficially resembling a Treehopper from family Membracidae.
Alex Wild

Answer: the weird structure is of uncertain function- possibly an ant mimic, or maybe a spiny defense- and is made from a greatly enlarged pronotum, which is the plate on the thorax just behind the head. The bug’s true abdomen is visible under the wings.

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