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How Kurzgesagt Cooks #Propaganda For Billionaires

Kurzgesagt received estimated $7 million from #billionaire funds. This would be more money than Kurzgesagt received from their supporters on Patreon (estimated $3.5 million) in the entire history of the channel.

#Kurzgesagt never was this small, independent, almost entirely viewer-funded channel. As soon as the studio incorporated, billionaires began lining up. They transformed the small Munich-based design studio with 5 employees into a multi-million-dollar media powerhouse with dozens of employees.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@saiv46 The grim reality of capitalism is that it is so incomprehensibly ubiquitous, that it can taint just about anything. The core problem is that billionaire funding almost always dwarfs the public funding. And then it's down to basic thermodynamics: when you need money, you are more likely to get it from somebody who has it. But there are strings attached. Turns out, you *can* actually be so rich as to bend time and space.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@saiv46 It's a bummer, though. I used to love Kurzgesagt until those "funded by Gates" videos started showing up.

Not that I think the points in them are automatically wrong because of that, but still, you can't fully trust a source that is funded by the direct interest.

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