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Jason Scott

So, I have been turning my attention to the idea of buffering 24 hour grabs of all radio spectrum, using Web SDR. I'm just reaching out in case people are sitting on sets of these from times past. DM or

Am I really to the point of archiving radiation? Yep.

The big concern is disk space. Under current approaches, a full spectrum grab of 24 hours of signal in one geographical location is ten terabyes! But one day a year might be worth it. For history.

Jason Scott

If people don't know, we already grab 11,000 hours of radio a day worldwide, but that's not the same as radio spectrum.

_jayrope (moving to Hubzilla)

@textfiles that's roughly 458 24h broadcast. Are the radios you are grabbing not archiving themselves? What's the criteria for you to grab?

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