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Andrew Woods

People are on onboarding to Mastodon because Twitter, the company/platform that people took for granted, shifted. Now is a good time to take control of your data. Do you have your own domain name? your own website? if you get started now, the next social platform that shifts on you won’t feel so massive. Learn about the Indie Web. Publish on your own site, then syndicate elsewhere. Look for self hosted options. I’m staring on this journey too. Keep us posted with blog posts you share here 😄

Andrew Woods

@art4 yes exactly. but it’s a terrible acronym and just couldn’t bring myself to use it 😂

Anna Nicholson

@awoodsnet I’ve done that – had my own domain names and websites for years

But not everyone is in the privileged position to be able to do that

Domain names and web hosting aren’t cheap

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