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Hector Martin

Updated my M1 Pro die map a bit based on what we know these days.

AVE = Apple Video Encoder
APR = Apple ProRes
ATC = Apple Type C
ANE = Apple Neural Engine
APCIE = Apple PCIe
AMCC = Apple Memory Cache Controller (SLC)
DCS = DRAM Command Scheduler? (LPDDR5 channel PHY/backend)
LPDP = Low Power DisplayPort
MIPI CSI = MIPI Camera Serial Interface
MIPI DSI = MIPI Display Serial Interface
DISP = Embedded display controller
DISP EXT = External display controller
mGPU = GPU cluster (Cores, Tile Accelerator, MMU, pixel load/store stuff, etc.)

1 comment
Hector Martin

Reminder that if you ever see "media engine" on a die map, that person has no idea what they're doing 😂​ ("Media engine" is a marketing term and not an actual single hardware thing)

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