@gamingonlinux what amazes me is the fact that people are shocked. Society that isn’t pro nazi fascism, is constantly in “shock” for the past 2 years after the pandemic, after the coup attempt, after votes against stimulus checks peak killer virus, after nazi marches, after anti mask, after “the steal”, after banning books, after voter suppression, after voting against baby formula, after voting against sick paid leave, after voting against anti price gauging, after more white supremacy marches, after this Twitter take over and kkk/nazi (same shit different clothes) take over that followed…

Soooo are we just going to keep pretending and sweeping things under the rug??? Or are we going to start having collective action and mass protesting like in Iran??? Or just have America’s turn into nazi kkk nation while the rest whine all day??? What are the sports scores on tv guys???