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J🍩hn Fünk

@gamingonlinux His empire is crumbling, and we're watching it in real time.


@gamingonlinux got his own little virtual banana republic going, doesn't he?

Steve Nordquist

Just missing a HuffPost comment and Fediverse-banned sites saying he can't get 'em all. @child.weddings @corruption @skived.hsm @seniorIntubationFarmsLLC here they goooo


@gamingonlinux other than Mastodon what journalists?


@gamingonlinux he's a "14yr old forum admin on a power trip" is becoming way too accurate....

Thomas H Jones II

@gamingonlinux yup. Which finally prompted me to post my "goodbye" message to my account. Took several tries, though, because even having "" – as us or part of a URL – resulted in post being blocked. Had to change to "mastodon-dot-social" to get the point across. Surprised I was able to update my profile to include my Mastodon account info.


@ferricoxide @gamingonlinux no surprise and it may even be ghost banned or one of the other hidden ways they are silencing people

Thomas H Jones II

@KSwaggedt @gamingonlinux Fortunately, I was never a clout chaser – doing periodic follower-prunings to get rid of bots and people that never interacted – so, my "reach" was already tiny. Shadow banning would do very little. :)


@gamingonlinux this was it for me. I jumped ship and deactivated my account.

Matthew Jonathan Soper

@gamingonlinux Honestly waiting for twitter to explode from within now. Elon is like Vince Russo when he joined WCW, it almost time for Twitter to face the same fate.

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