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Will Oremus

Folks in tech who say it's easy to criticize but hard to build... Sorry, no. It's easy to build if you don't care about the flaws or societal consequences or ripping off others' work. Any midwit sociopath can do that. The hard thing is to build something that *isn't* evil.

Darius Kazemi

@willoremus Also, speaking as a builder and a critic... have these people *tried* writing useful criticism? There's a reason I put out ~1 major software project a year and ~1 major critical essay a year. They're about equally hard to do well!!

Will Oremus

@darius Yeah, the corollary to this is that it's easy to criticize if you don't care to first understand the strengths of the thing you're criticizing, make sure your criticisms are well-grounded and well-supported, and think through what the tradeoffs might be of other approaches.

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