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Leigh Honeywell

As the #birdsite continues turning into Gab, Musk’s latest tactic is to point the QAnon firehose (and other MAGA mobs) at former employees. He’s engaging with QAnon influencers - replying to them, RTing them, and even appearing on a twitter space with one of them. I’m reminded of how much QAnon “trafficking” rhetoric distracts from the real world harms - this early episode (from 2020!) of the Conspirituality podcast does a good job unwinding things:

#twitter #contentmoderation #policy

Marc Hedlund

@leigh this whole thing has been horrible to watch unfold. It makes me even more grateful for the work you do, so thank you.

Leigh Honeywell

@marcprecipice that’s so kind of you to say, thank you 🙏

Patrick O'Keefe

@leigh It's frightening. I'm coming up on 25 years in moderation, and I'm very used to being abused unfortunately. But it has been a while since I've seen the extreme, concentrated hatred for those who do this work that exists in the Twitter replies of Musk, Weiss, and Taibbi.

Leigh Honeywell

@patrickokeefe it’s like an awful window into the id of humanity, isn’t it

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