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Александр заебался менять ник

Why you must NOT use #fediblock list from

3. Once instance is put on such list falsely, unblocking on other instances and fediblock-copycats will be tedious.
2. If your instance is popular enough, but decided to not block some instances - you'll be on list with them.
1. Oh my god! They <del>killed Kenny</del> banned!

@saiv46 jokes on you I can't even see this status! get blocked, nerd!
Blobfrog9000 🐸❄️☯️🌑

@saiv46 These people are the mall cops of the fediverse, only nobody wants to pay them because they don't add value to anything.

Blocking will not destroy intent and capacity...
By the way, Fedi is about to spin your own instance(s), and the smaller you are the less likely anyone cares to block you.

But we all knew that.
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