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Dan Gillmor

It's too late to delete your Twitter DMs. Even if the pre-Musk Twitter didn't save copies anyway -- even after you deleted them -- you can be certain that Musk has done so.

If it's true that he gave Weiss, an ideologue, direct access to internal systems, then you should assume the very worst from a privacy perspective.

Hello, FTC???


@dangillmor Agreed. This act should cause every governing commission to shut it. Do you know if the released content is international or restricted to the US.

AlgoCompSynth by znmeb

@dangillmor How many civil suits is Musk already facing? I've seen lots of press and Musk-bashing and coverage of his stunts, but precious little actual reporting of what legal liabilities his various "enterprises" are facing.

That's where the rubber meets the road - in court, not in the press.

Trent :toad: πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

@AlgoCompSynth @dangillmor I feel like GDPR could come down on his head and fine away his entire fortune.
If you’re European (or reside in Europe, sorry England!), request for your data to be removed!

AlgoCompSynth by znmeb

@trentbaur "Could come down on his head and fine away his entire fortune" isn't going to happen - courts don't work that way. There's plenty of wailing and gnashing of teeth and speculation, but that is producing nothing but stress.

Nobody actually knows what MuskmElon's goal is here. I'm not holding my breath waiting for a court - *any* court - to hold hearings on the matter. Yes, your privacy is probably shot at Twitter, But it always was, and it's not much better elsewhere.

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