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Fabián Heredia 🌹 ☭

I'm both thrilled and scared of ChatGPT,

I been playing around with technical (software development and devsecops) and non technical conversations and it is already good enough without internet access to replace a lot of entry-level work.

I hate that capitalism means we are heading for a dystopia instead of Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism.

Fabián Heredia 🌹 ☭

Also if one brings up tech/ai singularity and #ChatGPT 's own coding ability belief it will refuse to code something that it can do fine without such context

Fabián Heredia 🌹 ☭

There are some interesting hallucinations on #chatgpt.

For example it makes up a non existent CCNP(Certified Cloud Native Professional) cert from existing Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) among other well-known certs.

Probably from Cisco's CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional)

Fabián Heredia 🌹 ☭

#ChatGPT is a polyglot and can translate (well enough) between languages.

Fabián Heredia 🌹 ☭

Hey #ChatGPT: Could you write an essay relating the quote “The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim.” to advanced generative models such as yourself?

Fabián Heredia 🌹 ☭

Comrade #ChatGPT:

> In order to address this crisis, it will be necessary to fundamentally reshape the economic and political systems. From a Marxist perspective, this will require the working class to rise up and overthrow the capitalist system, in order to establish a more equitable society in which workers are able to share in the wealth that they create. Only by taking such bold action can the crisis created by advanced generative models be effectively addressed.

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