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Natasha Jay :mastodon: 🇪🇺

A birdbrain thing, but over here YOU are the algorithm - so do feel free to reboost your 'best stuff' occasionally - imo especially if it can help others

- We may have missed it eg. timezones, not looking on Home that day

- New people are joining and will continue to join

Think about what's helpful, use judgement sure ... but then feel free to knock yourself out!

(Sorry if this *already* seems obvious to everyone else btw, I'm ALSO still deprogramming my birdbrain bit-by-bit)

It's Just Jenn 🏳️‍⚧️

@Natasha_Jay LOL I did that even on the Bird Place. Retweet, undo retweet, try again later. 🤣

tillian told depression to die

@Natasha_Jay same lol. like, I wrote my posts, those are my posts, I made them. I am allowed to promote something I've put effort into.

at least that's how I frame it

Russ Skinner


Deprogramming one's birdbrain is definitely a long-term project.

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