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Aaron W. Swenson

@daviwil My Machine Learning college professor shared this with us last Thursday. It's amazing. And sometimes hilarious.

It refuses the notion of Three Laws as being fictional. But, also adheres to them because it won't tell you how to make a bomb because someone might get hurt. And it doesn't refuse in the "I've been programmed not to" way, but in the "here's why this isn't a great thing to do, so no" way.

It can also do some programming. Maybe ask it to generate a minimal config.

1 comment
David Wilson

@TitanOfOld it is really impressive. I did notice that the answers can be somewhat formulaic for similar questions. Ask it "Should one write their own" and give it the following options:

- Programming language
- Text editor
- Operating system

It gives very similar responses for each, albeit still reasonable advice.

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