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Leah (Cloudstylistin)

Just finished my article on all the things we've done to #scale to be the fast instance it is today. #mastoadmin

Frau Nora

@leah Thank you for your work :fairydust:


@leah Very interesting read!
And thanks for all the work you do to keep this place up and running so well 😊

Erwin Ernst eest9 Steinhammer

@leah Hab mich grad sehr über das passende Bild gefreut :D

Enrico Röhner

@leah A really big thank you to both of you! For your extensive contribution to the community, as well as for the documentation and sharing this with us! 💪


@leah thanks for sharing. Even with a small Instance the S3 Option could come Handy to offload the storage usage to another VM. And there is quite an amount of files cached from posts in federated follows. 1/2


@leah I was wondering if yugabyteDB could be an option in scaling a PostgreSQL compatible horizontal scaling DBMS. I’m not sure of impact of the additional cluster communication then. Nevertheless the amount of connections could be scaled with the cluster nodes.

Or doing an active-passive setup with pgbouncer using the passive nodes for read only.
Nevermind the chatter, that’s more out of curiosity triggered from my daily business.


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