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Ian Scott :apple_inc: 🐙

@RonsCompVids yeah! It just plugs in with a crossover/printer type serial cable, and then depending on if the program needs it, the MIDI Manager extension needs to be installed. I've had the best results with using QMidi for playback, but MidPlay is also pretty good.

Ian Scott :apple_inc: 🐙

@RonsCompVids this is 7.5.5, I haven't tried 7.1. I first tried on System 6, but couldn't find any plain ol' MIDI players that could run on it, they're all just too new. I got Cubase to run and could play some songs on 6, but the instrument mapping wasn't right.

Ron's Computer Videos🖥️📼

@polpo I guess the MIDI Manager is part of the OS install, or is it something seperate?

Ron's Computer Videos🖥️📼

@polpo (obligatory comment about how folks should use and support Macintosh Garden over MR)

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