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theruran 🌐🏴

worth posting this again, for those programmers who are having wicked thoughts of writing security-critical software in C or C++

Source: "Exploitation in the era of #formalVerification: A peek at a new frontier with #Ada / #SPARK" by Adam Zabrocki and Alex Tereshkin, #DEFCON30, 2022

#infosec #OpenSSL #DEFCON


@theruran ada is what became of algol and jovial. It is a bit chatty, but seems particularly screen-reader friendly by being so.


@tychosoft @theruran Maintainability was item 1C in the Steelman language requirement, out of which Ada came: β€œThe language should promote ease of program maintenance. It should emphasize program readability. The language should encourage user documentation of programs.”

The language designers understood that source code is many more times read than written.

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