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Zack Whittaker

LastPass' CEO Karim Toubba, who was appointed in April, says the unauthorized party used information stolen from LastPass systems in August to access the cloud storage containing customer information.

Seems plausible that maybe stolen internal creds or keys weren't invalidated after the August breach, which allowed a second compromise?



@zackwhittaker Would also seem to indicate no use of WebAuthn/security keys. Not great

Adam Stasiniewicz

@zackwhittaker Totally plausible. Developers LOVE storing passwords, key, access tokens, etc in source code. It’s a constant battle to keep that type of stuff out of source code.

I’m curious what type of customer data was in this shared could storage. They offer combo plans (LastPass + LogMeIn), so could be some account/billing/etc data used to operate that offer.

It’s worth noting that many organizations are very lax in securing/monitoring their development environments. So while it’s good they detected this stuff, they have to know that their dev system are the primary target. I.e. LastPass doesn’t have the keys to access customer passwords… unless a backdoor gets introduced into their source code…

@zackwhittaker Totally plausible. Developers LOVE storing passwords, key, access tokens, etc in source code. It’s a constant battle to keep that type of stuff out of source code.

I’m curious what type of customer data was in this shared could storage. They offer combo plans (LastPass + LogMeIn), so could be some account/billing/etc data used to operate that offer.

Bob Young :verified:

This incident reminds me of a long-standing theme. I've shared the following before:
How centralization affects cybersecurity:
"Let's put all our eggs in one basket. Then, when there's a slip-up and the basket falls to the pavement, we can all be shocked by the size of the mess."



I knew this would be easy.




There is seriously something wrong at AWS. I have lost count.

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