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Ramsey Nasser

the playbook is pretty obvious at this point. start offering a free service, get buy-in, become indispensable and then put up paywalls. people will then either pay or accept the death of their stuff. this bait and switch is grotesque. i am thinking of the heroku free tier that is disappearing, and taking *a lot* of my stuff down with it, but also of docker hub and twitter which has flirted with burying the content of non-paying users...

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Ramsey Nasser

thing is, i dont mind paid services! but if heroku was paid from start i would have approached it differently from the start. observable is similarly shedding their free tier soon i think. again, i understand that hosting costs money and that devs need to get paid.... its just the runaround sucks. now i need to think about migrating my shit and fixing broken links on a timetable set by some VC money perverts.

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