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@ipg I remember this too well. We were already close to going over to XMPP, the momentum was there. Then Google came along and owned the market by offering a free, polished service. Then yanking it from everyone’s hands by building a wall around it while no one was looking.
Personally I feel like it’s the worst thing they’ve ever done and yet it’s never been the subject of any anti competitive lawsuits and hardly anyone remembers.

.:/ DiSCATTe \:.

@pyne @ipg i was an avid gizmo user too :/ sip and jabber all rolled into one. it was great.

Mark Gardner ✅

@pyne @ipg They did it to #RSS too when they killed #GoogleReader. 2013 was a bad year

Mariusz SP6INA 🇵🇱

Unfortunately, google has not been the good guy for many years now, and in many respects it is worse than the hated microsoft.


@pyne @ipg
Facebook's Messenger started with full support of Jabber/XMPP, too. And after they got some decent user base they decided it was time to build a wall, so they could provide a "better service".


@pyne @ipg
They did the same thing with RSS.

Google Reader was a top-tier RSS reader, which drained market share from both paid and free alternatives. But very soon after becoming the dominant RSS reader, Google abruptly closed it. Google told users to instead use Google+ (which is an entirely different thing). RSS suffered a massive blow.

Good new RSS readers have eventually returned, but there is no doubt that RSS suffered a massive setback from that. And I believe that was Google's ultimate intention: to cripple a competitive free alternative to their own business.

@pyne @ipg
They did the same thing with RSS.

Google Reader was a top-tier RSS reader, which drained market share from both paid and free alternatives. But very soon after becoming the dominant RSS reader, Google abruptly closed it. Google told users to instead use Google+ (which is an entirely different thing). RSS suffered a massive blow.


@karadoc @ipg I loved RSS. I had RSS feed bookmarks in Firefox. Such a pity it got monopolised and then binned by G+ of all things.

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