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Mastodon Migration

OK, so this is interesting. Some major organizations have now set up their own Mastodon instances:

European Union: EU Voice >>>
German gov: Explore >>>
Internet Archive: Explore Internet Archive >>>

#twittermigration #mastodon #fediverse #governmentInstance

Mastodon Migration

Julien Deswaef @judeswae writes: Your organization should run its own Mastodon server >>>

Whether you are a large company, a political party, an international news agency, an NGO or a government institution, you should seriously consider running your own Mastodon server.

#twittermigration #mastodon #fediverse #governmentInstance

Mastodon Migration

@judeswae More...’s better to own your channels of communication and that’s why you are probably already running your own newsletter. But what about social media?... This is where Mastodon and the Fediverse bring a completely new way to think about social media. The Fediverse is a network of thousands of servers... By using your own domain name, your brand, you are creating a recognizable social presence in the Fediverse

And you own your own data!

#twittermigration #mastodon #fediverse

Sir Nick the Ardent

I expect newspapers and indeed any corporations with a deliberate Twitter presence to do this. It just makes sense.

They own their own server and answer to no one, but they're accessible to everyone. Why isn't this a no-brainer?

Mastodon Migration

@dplaflamme Agreed! The biggest reason is that the organization will own their own data, not trust some data overlord with their most precious resource.

#twittermigration #mastodonmigration #fediverse #ownInstance

Mastodon Migration

EU Voice Accounts (direct links):
European Commission: @EU_Commission
EU Sanctions: @EC_Sanctions
European External Action Service: @EEAS
EU Rights Agency: @FRA
Cour de justice de l'UE: @Curia_fr
Court of Justice of the EU: @Curia
Open Source Programme Office: @EC_OSPO
European Ombudsman: @ombudsman
EU Space Programme EUSPA: @EUSPA

#twittermigration #mastodon #fediverse #governmentInstance

EU Voice Accounts (direct links):
European Commission: @EU_Commission
EU Sanctions: @EC_Sanctions
European External Action Service: @EEAS
EU Rights Agency: @FRA
Cour de justice de l'UE: @Curia_fr
Court of Justice of the EU: @Curia
Open Source Programme Office: @EC_OSPO
European Ombudsman: @ombudsman
EU Space Programme EUSPA: @EUSPA


@tofuwabohu I've read this statement a few times now, but I don't fully comprehend it. Can you explain to me why you advocate for fediblocking gov Accounts/instances?


@mastodonmigration This is gonna get interesting. Do they understand Open Source?

ACAB for Cutie :stl_cards:

There are a ton of organizations and companies that use and rely on open source platforms/software everyday


@CassOfDunshire Since 1996 when I got into it.. Yes we rock.

Jeremy Jupiter Jones

@mastodonmigration I'd love to see NZ Government/Parliament set up its own instance. To date they largely use fbook for public communication, I refuse to visit either fbook or Twitter for govt communication. #nzpol


@jeremy_pm @mastodonmigration likewise I think once Govt depts ,and business social media sets up their own instances (which if you think about it is BETTER than any blue tick) then Mastodon has truly come of age.

Don burton

@mastodonmigration pretty new at this stuff. But is this not a huge game changer in social media

Yohan Yuki Xieㆍ사요한・謝雪矢

@mastodonmigration There are others, but I don't have a list.

Most of them have their own #Fediverse instances for years now, some even goes all the way back before there ever was a “Mastodon”. (Mastodon only came out in 2016, but the Fediverse has been around since 2008.)

Someone probably has a list somewhere. A few weeks ago, I saw some of those revived too, posting new updates. I think they finally were able to justify to their managers they need to update their Fediverse accounts too.

It was one major reason, at least from a managerial perspective, why many of these accounts were abandoned, low followers and interaction. But when the 2022 Twitter Migration batch happened, it changed things. It's easy to convince the people who call the shots. ;)

@mastodonmigration There are others, but I don't have a list.

Most of them have their own #Fediverse instances for years now, some even goes all the way back before there ever was a “Mastodon”. (Mastodon only came out in 2016, but the Fediverse has been around since 2008.)

Someone probably has a list somewhere. A few weeks ago, I saw some of those revived too, posting new updates. I think they finally were able to justify to their managers they need to update their Fediverse accounts too.


@mastodonmigration Logical move. If social networks become a public square that is indeed relevant, they can’t be left solely in the hands of proprietary technologies / private sector.

Laura Vivanco

@dd9000 Just follow the links in the original post (i.e. and and ) and they'll take you to a list of all the accounts on those instances. Once at those lists, scroll down and click on "Follow" to follow the ones you're interested in following.

Oliver Sampson

@mastodonmigration This is really good, because it acts as type of verification for the organization.


@mastodonmigration Just think of it as

Something something people knowing that they need to ensure their free expression.

and oh cool, Brewster set up an instance. That’s just like him. He’s a bit chaotic to work for, but I’d rather see him being the darling tech bro over any of the current notorious lot.


𒎏Taliaお姉さん 💜 🏳️‍⚧️

@mastodonmigration 🇪🇺 has been on here for a while now, 🇩🇪 has had an instance for ages but it hasn't been used much until just recently.

Vidar Hokstad / Galaxy Bound

@mastodonmigration To me this is one of *the* selling points. Decentralisation in general matters, but most ordinary users won't care much.

But for organisations who can use it as an opportunity to control and own their own presence, on the other hand, it seems like it ought to be, or at least have the potential to become, a big selling point.

Jim Carroll - Future Guy


It's March 1993.

The first tentative steps to the Internet soon become a flood.

Jim King

@mastodonmigration I think it is GREAT that organizations are establishing their own instance’s. Not only can the control members, they can totally control their message.

It is better than Twitter.

#TwitterMigration #mastason

Humbird0 Fandom

This is partially used as a way to verify the identity of members of those groups, since their mastodon id's will be mirrored on those instances.


@mastodonmigration In the social media war I think Mastodon is starting to pull ahead. I know that one of my twitts were going to go to I think its called hive and I chose here and I think here is a more solid choice. I expect more big groups.

Mastodon Migration

@jasonliberated Mastodon has been rolling along at an additional 50,000 new users per day warts and all. The pace is steady. It is a better option, and it should prevail in the long run. The other options just seem to be trading one social media data overlord for another.

#twittermigration #NewUsers #fediverse

Ross B from the oaty sea

@mastodonmigration @jasonliberated Lovely. The #Twittermigration is trundling along nicely. The last person to leave #twitter should turn off the lights.


@rwba @mastodonmigration @jasonliberated das Elektrizitätswerk wird das Licht ausmachen, weil Elon die Stromrechnung nicht bezahlt.

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