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The Bean Identity

It is weird to me how now a name of "" is most likely spam, but "" is probably a real person


@faho Noted. Setting up a new account... BTW have your heard of the new crypto opportunity at fake.fakesite.fake/fakeshit/fake ?

The Bean Identity

@Jakra But is it decentralized (short for "deez nuts centralized")?


@faho just as decentralized as email!

The Bean Identity

@Jakra Email? I love email!

Shut-up-and-take-my-money dot jpeg!

The Bean Identity

@floppyplopper I guess it's that a lot of us have decided to use new kinds of names to represent ourselves instead of "ordinary" human names, but spam hasn't caught up, and I'm not sure it can?

Because it can call itself JohnSmith, and it can use a photo of a white guy as the pfp, but that seems a lot easier (because it's blander) than generating a coherent "fartmaster69"?

Discontinued Plopper

People using their real name online has always been what looks weird to me.

Bias 🔞

@faho Reminds me of this Tumblr post. Humans are just Like This, I guess.

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