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I was just about to say the same haha
The brother printer I’ve had since college has been wonderful; lpr jobs have pretty much always worked :)


Martin Schmitz
@nixCraft @governa Or Kyocera. They have working .ppd's for all models on their download page.

@governa @nixCraft except if the IP of your printer changes, the network driver doesn't detect the printer ever again and you have to reinstall it. Then you remember to configure a static IP.

ricardo :mastodon:

@Wbud @nixCraft mmm can't comment on that, I always set up my home printer on a static IP. It's good practice for any shared devices. Good heads up for those that may be unaware. 👍


@nixCraft Hey. I have a 5 year old brother laser printer and shockingly I've never had an issue with it.

Cuboci 🏳️‍🌈

@nixCraft Don't laugh but I bought a Canon MFP one for my mum and it worked out of the box in Linux. Even scanning over wi-fi worked. No driver installation, no hassle. My mind was positively blown.


@nixCraft a joke, IKR but just in case anyone is wondering which to choose and FWIW: I have never had any issues with HP printers under Linux from my first LaserJet4 years ago to the OfficeJet I run today. Very well supported by most distros.


@nixCraft this reminds me I have to plug in my laptop to the printer with a usb-usbc adapter and print an invoice. Grrr.

Peter Mount

@nixCraft I'll have to say HP printers simply work.

Eg I've got a laser/scanner connected on my network & Linux, Mac & even #HomeAssitant detects it with with no intervention at all


@nixCraft you can add WiFi networking to that!



ME thinks ME dreamed about this marvelous invention de other night!


Joseph Leedy :magento:

@nixCraft I have a Brother laser printer from the early aughts that’s still going strong today. I bought it in 2006 for $50 from the computer shop I worked at, about a tenth of its value at that time. It was traded in to be recycled because the USB port was broken. I grabbed a $10 parallel to USB cable off the shelf to fix it, which allows the standard USB printer driver to work properly. macOS even recognizes it natively as an LPR printer. It came with a toner cartridge too.


no problem so far with my 15 year old Epson ink printer. I guess the older the printer is, the better it works.

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